hehs`` just finish doing my nails.. and im so happy ! hope those pictures wont drop out siah.. holiday come le!! $$ going fly le siah.. drinking shopping playin !! o man~ come to think of it ... my world's falling apart !! hhaas` today never go school.. cos i start holiday myself.. wulalar~Ystd slept at 5am can? have a midnight chat with my BAOBEI && IRXINGpehjiahui la.. hahas`` . heehaa* ok. im very guai today . Know what? I HELP MY MOTHER DO HOUSECHORES !! *claps&cheers* hahas.. LOL; i mop the floor and clean the toilet ... hahas` lucky the toilet not dirty !! or i faint ahs ! LOLs.... && help to clean some other stuffs too la. sian leh come to think of bathing.. my mother still haven buy the pantene lo!! and she ask me use the dove de shampoo first!! like fuck?! i cnt use dove la.. hair were very dry for me.. use dove i must apply lots of moisturizer lo.. bad bad bad !! haahs. going bath soon ! ^_^" tomorrow meeting DAMIAN .. wonder my DARLING wanna come along. haas` very long never go play RF le! missing it eversince exams ! hehs`.. *The world is still very beautiful .. till now i still rmb NICOLE tell me de things.. hahas.. dont wei le ai ! yepps.. i can live strong and well.. i still got YOU ALL out there ! Kick it !! =D... ~
~ It does'nt really matters now . #我想我可以习惯一个人生活。我想我可以假装不曾爱过!
`` ***yeo ; sorry !! ... didn't mean it !~
DarlingDEAD!!; call me when you sees this ... loves*
BESTFRIENDS(HS)~ i miss you lots .. hehs`.
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