Sunday, May 13, 2007

My blog got problem siah` cnt post pics or change font colour nor make my templetes lo! fuck siah.. feel like throwin it man.. rahhs!!@#$%^&*( ... nvm .. today very guai, stay at home study and play comp whole day.. hahas` no energy to walk ah! lose too much blood. lol.. >_<" my family and other go east coast play den i alone stay at home!! ARGH!!! sai la.. bored me to death!. bo bian.. just now went to *one* websites and viewed somebodi de profile and see le i sianz.. ji tao no mood lo.. gei gan`` donnoe why like tt . yawns. maybe i owe it to tt person.. Forgive && forget. lol. forget hu teach me tis siah`` faints* i'll tolerate ! bored and a lazy day for me.. kind of missing those past days.. always having a conference call with weiying ah or damian dey all.. sianz.. past= sweet memories.. hahas` times change.. ppl change along too.. is tis a must or cycle?? perhaps i've changed too ! must try to fit in to the surrounding.. hahas. the fresh atmosphere.. WOW!! my english so good .. lol.. Today donnoe y keep thinkin abt the past.. abt friends... things... ex stead... && mani mani more more..~ future?? dont ever plann ! cos it would go the opposite way u wanted it to be.. hehs`` . ok. don emotional le. now have to write my love matters.. the most important part of life!! ^-^
[LOVE.MATTERS] ~ What is it that you want?#我想说:如果没有了你,我该如何往下走?... hahas,, *我要让你知道,that i wanna be your girl.一直想要问你:想不想....rock my world??... 不知道不知道,为什么对你说,喜欢你说不出口.好想跟你表白.im falling for you boy... `` don't ever ruin my smiles.
(SHOUT.OUT) ` DarLing.. call me when you see this!! the 8 girls[including me] ! ~ Work hard for ur exams.. ahahs
~ My heart dies, and so are you. You've said tt. NO turning back. Im hurt`. Byess~