YESTERDAY~ went sing post meet ER ZI first then went TEOHENG again to sing with JEAN,DARLING,SHUHUI,LAUREL,ER ZI & YING2``.. was very fun can? hahas.. den went around the centre to ask for 'something'..took only afew pictures lo sian.. nvm. LOL`.. and tt was abit of embarrasing la~ After that.. went off together with TESSA den walk to eat katong laksa.. but due to the poor attitude of tt worker.. everybody dont wan eat.. so took cab down to east coast and ate Macdonalds la.. follow on,, went arcade and play lo.. but i never play la.. was very sianz`` so i jus walk around or go hoohoos and sit at the motor rock here and there !!.. Next,, NICOLE & FEN was 'blowing' us go downtown meet up to go KRAVEN'S de bbq.. so we quickly get there.. while walkin to the pit,, the pathway was very dark can? and ashes flew into my eyes and that was FCUKING PAIN can?.. lucky never blind lo.. haahs`.. and finally i saw my dognut ! and its strawberry. i wan white choc de lo.. Si kraven.. hahas``.. OOPS!! and SAM called me so i acc him chat and chat.. quite lame la can??.. hehs``. Den went the arcade there and it was quite boring actually. so no need say so much` in the end.. jus wait for tessa's de mother come sent me home lo. =D nice !! and inside the car... those girls was very kaobei.. OOPS!! haahs// im the quiet ONE there !! (pls don giv comments) lols...and as my hp was low batt le. So ying2 && jean.. this 2 IDIOTS!! was di siaoing their hp still full batt can?? argh! smack them. haahs`. laughing all the way la..ying2 VERY NOISY!! reach home qround 1++.. tired out.. bath le come out SAM call me chat again and i go orh orh liao .. have a fun day !!
TODAY~ early morning wake up and prepare go Tamp pray.. and was abit late la.. cos my bro can? keep slp like dunnoe wad siah``.. went there chant after tt eat den go home and here i am blogging ! hehes`.. cute hor? hahas.. nth much write la.. eyes closing `` never hav a good slp .. zzzzzzz...... zzzzz ......
~ I see a NEW path... but dunnoe should i walk that path`.. cos he told me .. and i don realli beliv lo.. so was still having a brain attack la.. mayb times goes by i should noe my choice lo.. heh``.. it happen de too fassssst abit le can?? hahas`..
~ I've filled my heart with my blood . There's no space left for you . Boy; You really play hard . & i cant tak it anymore.. let it go le ! and im happy now.. smile always ! The world is still very beautiful can?.. #记得我死去的爱情!不曾忘记你伤我心。甜言蜜语都向雨,不留而去!不再回头,因为爱错! Save back my heart if only you love me.. Leave it to die if you dont.. *No promises .
`` I thought I knew you (knew you well)
But out of the Blue
Came a story to tell.
You loved me--
very much you said;
You even had hopes that Thee
I would wait.
Unfortunately (back in the past),
you did a thing
that caused us not to last
for much more than a fling.
My heart was broken
Words could never be spokento repair it-not even by you.
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