Tuesday, July 31, 2007

*All good things come and go at the same time.
You never fails to let me down;
Times always le me drown.

HEHS`.. today after sch walk to egg's hse and tak my cig frm him and walked to th multistorey carpark to look at 'movies' ?? LOLs. =D den went sch meet up with EMOvenven and EMOyeoyeo. hahas` . so cabbed to my hse while they meet me at parkway. haas`. bathed and came down to mit with fen,kraven,nicole & ying2. hehs`. nicole went to buy her 'own' stuffs. LOL. 'Her' shampoo la hur. hahas`. tio suan jialatjialat by kraven and me and of cos ying2 bro.LOL. and i discovered one thing, fen sibei thhe BLUR cans? piang.. after everything, went to toapayoh and work with emovenven. hahas` im topping up soon ? =D haas. *secret*// hahas. now im at home le! haas. and feeling abit down again and stress out.. i maybe happy the first minute and down the next minute.. tats nt nice luh!! tmr gona have physic's test! and im gona PASS IT! hahas. girlfriends!! ; watch me pass with FLYING COLOURS!! =DD haas. -If i have a choice, i'll never let you appear in my life.
~ #不曾后悔爱过你。你不明白我的心!.. What is it that you really want boy? i don noe. there's a limit to everyones waiting.. Am i still ?.. -Tell me, do you miss me?
`` One more night, i wanna be with you. LOLs =D. its a moody time always noadays!! sad.. -Dont you ever let me go, don't you ever let me down!..

*Boy; Becaouse all the everdoings you've did, i didn't noe wad to do.
*Luckily there is still *YOU* for me when i needed somebodi =D. and im getting to dislike *ehem ehem!.*.. la hur..Everunight and everyday, its always this thing and this trouble which im stressing about and sad about! You jus don understan afterall what i had done was to just let me have it for awhile.. but, you let *** have you instead.. i've nth much to say..