Sunday, July 22, 2007

* All I want you to think about now is what you think about me.
I know that I should try to find somebody new,
But all I find is myself always thinking of you.

hehs` today early morining went out to soka to pray. haas` after tat went parkway with my mother and shopping. bought facial mask and earrins and wallet. hahas` =D oh man` today bought the strawberry coated with choc and its so fuckin nice cn / LOL. o man` wan it one more time. lols.envy !!! haas =D. and bought orange coloured bedsheet. hehs` reached home and SLEEPSLEEPSLEEP!! haas. damn tired la. been somekind of stress out lately.. but its ok. im strong . hahas` =X have been eating heaty food. must drink more water liao, cos im leading a healthy lifestyle. F&N student hor! cnt throw ah leong de face ma.hhahas` im guai .. yes i noe. goodgirl .. lols =DD.. -
It kills me inside not knowing what you think when your all I'm thinking of.
~ #
我们面前太多阻碍. Afterall, it's only a dream . Is it too late to let you know? . Whether you tell me you love me or not this will still be true.Nothing in this whole damn world could keep me from loving you!!! .. -You don't even know it, and why should you care?..You're happy just pretending that I'm not even there.
`` Don't pretend la puboh. oh sian.. who wanan go movie this saturday ? hehs` =DD

Maybe I'm wrong and you really just don't care.But why sometimes do you act so sweet if no feelings are actually there.

*Forever means nothing if I don't spend it with you.
But there's just nothing more I think I can do.*