Saturday, July 21, 2007

GIRLFRIENDS!!! =D random pics..
my precious GIRL!! =D loves.
lookin at nicole,ak de stunn! lols. joey audience..
qing fu!
the background look fake.
haas. jean & fen
me and bday girl! SISTERS!! =D
shake tt..

i look weird siah. LOLs. o my god!! =D paiseh` hahas.
loves you!!!

dance etranally.
handsome xiaomeimei!!! ahas.. AK =D at sentosa tenning ah..
my roco.. yucks?
biting banana.
Sharuh made tis for me. lOls.
its always right tat we play.
*If feels so lame but it's so true!
I try so hard not to remember how it use to be, but all the memories keep coming back to me.

HAHA! ystd was half fun half sian la.hehs` in class found one listening ear; thanks girl! hahas. LOLs. took many pics and my comp was damn bloody lagg till i gg to load till ke siao cn? cos everybody took my phone and tak pics! bo bian la.. my hp good. hahas` LOLS =X jkjk. Actually lots of happening but suddenly foeget siah. LOls. ok! erhmm.. i try rmb. after sch, AK lonbang me home! haas thx =D.. den bath and chaged and waited for Tweiying to be ready. tmd.. she damn tortise cn? lols. den cabbed to find her and down to meet up with Jean,Laurel,nicole,shufen & a co. slackslacked at aljunied for a little while and down to kovan. went to eat pizza hut! and nicole was xialan while she's ordering food. LOL =X .. hahas. eat & eat . den bought small cake for fen.. haa`. after eatting, went meet Kraven & to staircase for pictures and some stickys.. LOLs. havin some nice fun there too. wahaha` ok. and deciding to go tessa house or aljunied!!! and tis a great prob.. tis questionm took us 1 hr to decide and in the end, down to aljunied and rot there! LOLs sian bodoh.. feel like smackin la!!! after rotting awhile, was wantin to go tessa hse, in the end... teckyeow and a co. wanted to come down and fen doesnt wanna go anymore & it was like so -__-" can? piang eh`.. ok. nvm abt tt. and so we stayed at the playground la. and hahas!! Ak and joey longbangh me ard! and sweetheart finally now hw to longbang me la. im her first victim!OMG,, almost fall! lols. and so i did the oppo and LB her too and the bic bwuang ! tmd. and she falled and i falled. LOLs. lucky nobodi see. or else throw face! hahas =X.. slack and rot ard..afterall, we did have some fun! hahas =DD *smiles always. after tat back home .. have anothr sweet ride!.. *somethings cnt be said out, ooh!!! =( i miss tat*.. hahas` reached home ard 12.30am, bathed and waited for hair to dry.. chatted with ping.. haas` and after tt ahilw more slp le.. & woke at 2.++pm.and now den i realised tat i accidentally deleted some nice photos! fuk it la.. piang eh` -
Broken hearts and truth never told,yearning for a kiss and someone to hold.
[LOVE.MATTERS] ~ #为何让我等这样久?
Wanting to be your one and only,att times you left me cold and lonely.There still exist the little things,the lies and deceit. -I never knew, but now that i do. (SHOUT.OUT) `` if u see me on the floor.... hahas` =D-i've tried so hard ! jus don giv me ur attention.

*Boy; it only reminds me of you.
*oo man~ i miss tat ** again. ahahs * great fun .. nice feeling.