*I know it's all my fault afterall and i know u just does'nt seems to care.
I've learn the hard way,
and i fall from the sides ..
I've learn the hard way,
and i fall from the sides ..
Just back frm work with joan.. haas`and my pay cn only be collected 3weeks later!! tats the bad thing too can? ah!. (boy, wher are you?) .things realli went the wrong way.. &&!!! laurel's birthday tis friday gona celebrate!! haas... and i realli wanna be happy that's all BUT!! ggrrr.. many unwanted things happen can? sucks la.. ok. that's it! i dunnoe wad to do. living aimlessly , wonderingly... whatever la ~ .. ok. hehs`. toady was a bad bad day la.. piang eh`. kana voted to be monitress and really very depressed over it can? realli don wanna be den kana saboh.. nvm. im nt gona do my part. haahas`. girlfriends, i wont do my part as im realli nt interested in it.. =D paiseh` .. ok. DEPRESSION ? coming my way ... i hope more 'P**l' will work... hehs` stress out..luckily have a listening ear just now.. thanks girl. - it's gona be the same day everyday.
~ i've not much to say . too tired over it le.
`` there's nothing i can do to prevent ur hatred ... sorry ...
*Boy; are you there for me in my darkest hour? ..
*Once again; i Fall .. somethinsg cnt be said and suely i comfirm my mood wasnt tt good la.. didnt wanna say much .. just wan a good breakaway frm everything.*
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