*That's not what i really wanted ..
Smiles above all sky ,
and take away the lies .
Smiles above all sky ,
and take away the lies .
TODAY! haas. advanced celebration for laurel's birthday! my ah ma de bday. lols. =D went suntec with ak and kraven .. LOLs. and they keep blaming me for going there jus to pei me eat the auntie anne's stuffs can? LOls. tats nt very nice ah xdd !! haas` . ok. den down to teoheng! met up with many girlfriends there! Jean,tessa,laureal,fen,nicole,yinging,weiying&huiting..i hope i didnt miss anyone out. haas`. didnt sing la me. cos eyes was damn hell tired.. so jus have a few sticks in there and end it. accompanied tessa with kraven to meet my anson.. haas`. he sucks! =D he wont blame me for tt. ghaas`. so walked to parkway and ate apple pie! first time ate tt can? and tio laughed at by jean and kraven! kraven!!! sai la u. LOLs. suanna siah. hahas` =Dand i ate 3 squidheads frm oldchanghee.. was so nice la.. den slack and walked around parkway le den cabbed down to tessa house! lols. went down for few sticks with javier.. ohhh.. he's still limping laa !!.. get well yea?. hehs`. and up to watch him play psp .. and looked at how ak,tessa and weiying chu stunned! LOLs. after tat, ak lonbang me bic home tagging jean,kraven and javier along. hahas` they love sendin me home hor? LOLs. hahas =DD reached home ard 11+pm and was tired out. damn hungry laa! eatting and slpin! haas` . its a nice day ! =D .. i hope it is for the rest of my days. hahas`. -Somebody*.. yucks again. luckily cried my sorrows out at home .. and it let me felt beta.. =D caught some photos. but was too lazy to post it up.. i'll post it next time. *somebody get lost fast.. cbk! .. puis!
~ #你不用太再意,因为这一切都是一场游戏!You didnt really have the time for me .. but its ok. i'll just tak it easy eh?.. hehs`. -Perhaps i think too much tat u cares..
`` Sweetheart, sorry didnt meet up with you in the end. =D i'll meet you up next week and we go gaigai. hehs`. was kind of stress up but mayb today i let it all out with my girlfriends..
*Boy; Do you care? i hope you do.. and i want you to miss me too!..
*That slut.. simple f off?
Ok. and now i gona do tis survey? lols. choosen by nicole! haas =D loves.
Each player of the game starts off with ten weird things or habits or known facts abt yourself. People who get tagged must write it in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.
1.When i get crazy, i goes around irritating ppl. hahas` and laughing around ..
2.i love to stone when im sitting alone there quietly.
3.Im standered in nt going out wearing school uniform. (nobody would see me wearin schoolU at shoppin centres.)
4. I chat on phone with friends even if im bathing.. using loudspeakers. =D
5.When there's computer for me to play, i donnoe what is food.
6. I'll getup in the midnight sometimes just to reply messages.
7. I love miss calling people when im bored. kols.
8. I'll always message or chat on phone everynight b4 i go to slp.
9. Im always late whenever meetin up with my friends. oops ! =x.. hahas`.
10. i don like to message those who replied littlw words. haas` and tis is a must!.
Each player of the game starts off with ten weird things or habits or known facts abt yourself. People who get tagged must write it in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.
1.When i get crazy, i goes around irritating ppl. hahas` and laughing around ..
2.i love to stone when im sitting alone there quietly.
3.Im standered in nt going out wearing school uniform. (nobody would see me wearin schoolU at shoppin centres.)
4. I chat on phone with friends even if im bathing.. using loudspeakers. =D
5.When there's computer for me to play, i donnoe what is food.
6. I'll getup in the midnight sometimes just to reply messages.
7. I love miss calling people when im bored. kols.
8. I'll always message or chat on phone everynight b4 i go to slp.
9. Im always late whenever meetin up with my friends. oops ! =x.. hahas`.
10. i don like to message those who replied littlw words. haas` and tis is a must!.
The next 6 lucky people is Ak,huiting,yingying,weiying,jean & xianhui! lols.
i noe my jie surely wont do it. but jie, MUST!! lols. =D
i noe my jie surely wont do it. but jie, MUST!! lols. =D
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