*Love me the way i are .
Because i can put down ;
I won't be your clown !
Because i can put down ;
I won't be your clown !
Hehs . Pictures are finally uploaded !! Im very sick now can . Having fever , bad cough , flu and sorethroat ! Ok .. Many days never go home le . Has been tonning continuously lo !! .. and my complexion is like OMG _|_ hahaas `. Before the breakup , went to escape , farm and macritchie and of cos there's some rounding ..Many ppl was there can , ahqiang,jie,ruixiang,eric,ahbeng,shawn,sibaheng,bomba and dunnoe the names. Lols.. hahas . Actually can't really remember le la . Quite enjoyed lo.. And tonned over at his house den straight go out again . Nothing much eventually . Maybe i forget le la . Fcuk cares .. hehs `. Ystd meetup with LSF,kele,laurel,angela,jie,ahqiang,shawn,sibaheng,weijian,alvin and the rest names i dunnoe le .. hehs .. and of cos hanping LOLs.. Went up to Mt Faber !!!! _|_ .. i was shivering all the way can .. went up the mountain to watch them prank call ppl =_= .. bo liao .. And finally back to kele's hse . She slept while me and ping slack all the way and sended me home .. Ok .. Im gona stop my blogging here .
{A few words to my beloveds}
Jie ; Thanks so much for always helping me . Now then i know that you really care for me . Im sorry for last time causing you to worry over me . I don't know what to say .. Just wanna say THANK YOU ! =DD.. and you're really deeply love by me . Don't care is what , we 2 sisters are united =DD !! ..
Kele ; And you ! haas . Thanks too . For the shoulder when im crying out . You're also there to comfort me . Im happy that you care too girl .. Deeply appreciated .. Loves you !
Laurel ; Eh fcuker !! lols . Cheer up okay . Misunderstandings will clear up by itself sooner or later . It's just a matter of time la . Im always here with you just like you're always here with me too ! =DDD.. loveslove!!
&& thanks for those who care .. =DD..
;我真的开始想念你了!Did you miss me too ?
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