Can't wait to live my life with you
Can't wait to start
Sunday, February 03, 2008
}You're all I that I need . }Okay , Let's stunts together with the cameras !! :) }hi gay smile ! }I love this pic the most !! :D }We're crazy over taking pics now.. cam-whoring }Step la you ! haha }Hi my dear :) }So cute ~ }Couple ring la actually .. lol }There's only you and me & nobody in between . }In the lift . } Ok , i lik this pic too . Was forced to act cute by TZR !! _|_ haha }Candid .
}Anti-makeups .. :( } How old le you . haas } We'll dance ! }Yandao la hor . }LOL !! }Tat one ur mother . }This one my father . lol }牛仔很忙!hahaha }The sexy bitch ! }MINE ! }Gosh ! }scorpion }scorpion under fluorescent lights tends to be like this ! swee hor? }Yucks, }Owning, }Never see monkey before. -.- }This bird look like fake . It's real man !! }Penguin stuck ! } Your friends righttttt? haha }Snap! }This ostrich gt hair loss sia. LOL }Cb . this babooon very fierce bodoh . *InsideJoke* }Bang/Angela !! hugs` }Brothers ! }White tiger .
♥Family & Girlfriends
Nothing last and people change.
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I ♥ Choaxiongquan.
If you can't handle me at my worst,then you sure don't deserve me at my best.
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