Sunday, March 28, 2010

I'm so obsess with you.

Like a dream.
About a week pass & it's our 2nd monthsary.
So slow. Thought it's alr a year or smth. Lol!
It's still like a dream.
A beautiful dream(:
I wish I'd never got to wake up from this dream.
Never had this feelings.
I miss you Cxiongquan!! (Bloody hell slping again)

Went ikea with slut, darling & Ah zai.
Heehee, fun fun times bodoh.
Like a cute, like a funny, like a chio. LOL!
How to train your dragon. MUST watch ^^
Lazy to blog. No time to blog.
Many things to do. School's never better.
Same to my life(: Bye!

Some pictures.

My sister's doggie! Like a cuteeee~

Funny how life can be so surprising.
I want a lil world of our own(:
& of cos, with our lil 'one'.
I love you!
And I love your sexy attitude.

As we move on, we remember all the times, all of us had together.
Now everything has got its place in time. Even the day must give way to the night.
No one predict the future. Nothing would stay the same forever. Cherish, in ur heart. Even if you say out, nobody's going to believe it. Life's cruel and life's should be beautiful. But we, humans, made it ugly. I hate your fake-ness. But I miss those nights.
Turn it all down, now.

You're the greatest joy that I've ever found.

The more I know of you is the more I know I love you .