Eenie meenie miney mo lova.
Back to blog liao! No time at all~
Last whole week no school, teacher sick.
But glad that tomorrow I'm going back school already^^
Can't wait to study and get my cert.
Start my working life and then save money, do whatever I desire to do:D
Has been thinking & reminiscing alot lately.
Sucks to know that some people just aren't meant to stay in our lives forever, maybe some people are just passing through. It's like some people just come through our lives to bring us something, a lesson we need to learn, help you figure out who you are.
Sometime things will happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, & unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming these obstacles that you would have never realized your true potential, strength, will power, or heart.
(Thanks that all this came to me to make who I am today)
But at times I thought of that if life will to be smooth and savely pathed,
it would be safe & comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.
Live & love with what you have.
Be satisfied.
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