There's no footprints on my heart.
I can change anything,
If you want me to(:
Rah! I'm happy and sad at the same time!
Am now on the phone with SisterQuah (:
And yupps, heard some happy cum sad news lo~
Zzz.... Stress! Stress about RW =x
I realize I got so much things to change.
But actually not alot la.. Just gt 1 point needa change -.-
Lol. Yesterday was great :DDD
In advance celebration for my lovely pretty sisterQUAH's de birthday(:
Not much pictures taken on her day.. but fun still.
Went down Parkway with Angela to buy her presentss. And I mean presentSSSSSS!
Haha! After that, down to Bugis..
Waited for big card Laurel , Lsf and ShuHui .. heh.
Went tian tian steamboat for dinner and meet ZhenHui awhile as he's there to eat too(:
Soon, Gary((: , Laurel, Lsf, Angela, ShuHui, MuSang, CheYong, KaiXiong, me and 1 more donnoe what name de guy..
Ate and ate and ate, smoke and smoke and smoke ...
Okay, ANgela went off with them.. While i went home to take helmet ..
Haa! Went to Tanjong pagar for awhile then to Mount Faber and to Cosy Bay..
Then to Kallang Mac.. CheYong , Laurel and the rest leave early.
Left Gary((: , Kx, Angela and Me ^^
Down to Yishun Dam , Kx's School then to West Coast Mac.. LOl..
Run till west coast.. fucking far can!! Omg.
Slack awhile and went back my house here le..
Almost slept while going back home.. Hahas.
Chatted at my house downstairs till 6am+ and went home le.
Yupps, I truely enjoy today man^^
Because .... =x
Alrights, Today I slept for 12 hours.
Don't know where to go.. I wanted go Jb so badly with gary they all la ! :((
It's okay den.. I'll stay home rot tonight =x (Not my style) Haha.
Am going bath le !
Takecare readers^^
- I'll never let somebody become my priority while I'm just their option AGAIN:)
Fate & Destiny ,
You & Me .
(I think I like Red)
PeeeekTures (:

Advance HappyBirthday to you my lovely sis(:
Stay pretty always kay^^

Angela says she look prettier with minnie mouse on her face. LOL

Don't think I can't live without you !
2 days and im fine:D